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Este costal de boxeo te permite mejorar tus habilidades de dar unos puñetazos y al mismo tiempo hacer una pieza de música experimental. Cuando lo golpeas, el costal hace un sonido.


Este costal es el prototipo de un proyecto que invita a los jóvenes a hacer su mismo costal. El proyecto está especialmente diseñado para aquellos que se mueven por el sistema penal, ya sea en centros especializados para adolescentes, centros de internamiento o el reformatorio. Cada participante diseñará su propio costal y elegirá los sonidos que hará cuando lo golpee. durante los talleres los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de aprender habilidades de boxeo, costura, serigrafía, improvisación musical, circuitos y más! Este prototipo es una colaboración entre Daniel Llermaly (circuitos- systema de sonido) y Lucy Pawlak (diseño del costal de box).



Gymsick is an ongoing itinerant collaborative research project with no fixed membership. Inspired by the queer-feminist practice of world-making and drawing upon the small utopia of the boxing gym, Gymsick creates environments, sessions, expanded imaginings of work-outs that invite us to come together, sweat together and consider the position of our leaky, desiring, performing bodies. What symptoms are our bodies manifesting? How do we reimagine and appropriate structure and ground to fulfill our body’s needs? How do we keep time when the stopwatch no longer holds the time we experience? When time skips, syncopates, falls, freezes, bends, “when moments drag for days... when linear time unravels, making it simultaneously speed up and slam shut, leaving one behind”11. Free jazz improv rhythms, syncopated and skipped beats, remind me of techniques of feinting and slipping: when a boxer slips, a blow slips by. Feinting means always doing something different then expected or even nothing at all, it means distracting, misleading, twitching, flinching, spasming, dancing.


Gymsick collaborators and contributors to date include: Mi Valedor (the Mexican version of The Big Issue), Carlos “Tropicaza” Icaza (musician), pro Mexican boxers: Giovanni “Lloviznas” Delgado, Hector “Churritos” Hernandez, Mony “Monita” Jimenez, Deathnastics: Feminist Crip World Making School of Disability Studies, Ryerson University with Eliza Chandler, Sean Lee, Carrie Perreault, Vanessa Dion, Eliza Chandler, Kim Collins, Esther Ignagni, Deirdre Logue, and Allyson Mitchell (FAG Feminist Art Gallery), Artist: Hazel Meyer, Rita Munus (London), AYBI Boxing (London Boxing Group for youths and people with disabilities), Jonah Falco (musician),  La Redada (band), Ana Garcia (dancer), Ricardo Rojas (dancer),  Karen Carillo (zine maker, book binder, screen printer), Jo Yin Peng (curator), Fundación Alumnos 47 (Project Space, Mexico City), Chalton Gallery (Project Space, London), Bunker2 (Project Space, Toronto), La Alameda (Project Space, Mexico City), Pandeo (Feminist Art collective, Mexico City), Vernacular (independent library, Mexico City), Poet: Mito del Desierto



This is a participatory practical research project for the creation of small utopias, exilic spaces and refuges that push time out of joint, ‘other spaces’ that are not dominated by processes of accumulation. How can such spaces impact upon the experience of performance, presence, corporal awareness, experiences of temporal regulation, competition, perceptions of strength, systems of judgment and discrimination and in relation to technologies of surveillance capitalism?



London, Toronto, Mexico City...



Join today! Freee!!

lucy.pawlak at gmail dot com




lucy.pawlak at

TEL: 07977163679  |

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